From: Brian Wall <[email protected]> Subject: [BrianWall-ChessList] Life Master Brian Wall loses to 10 year old expert in Reno, Nevada To
40. Qe5 Rg7 40 ... Qd1+ lasts longer but I just wanted to complete the first time control. 40 Qe5 Rg7 41 Ne4 or Qa1 checkmates 1-0 I res
1-0 I resign to the 10 year old -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
old in Reno. My big lesson from Luke is what I call the Velloti moment - in every Chessgame you reach a position you don't like - something does
Round 3 - After encountering a Vellotti moment I found a good move and rolled my opponent. I even rolled my pawns forward in the center like the brat
Rising Stars will get rating points somewhere, why not from me? I pride myself as the final examiner in Colorado, blocking everyone from their next u
I had the Black pieces, Thank God, one more excuse. I chatted with Father and son and we began. 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. Qe2 It's fu
Nd2-c4 or b4, a4 9. fxe3 Fritz likes 9 Q:e3 but I dreaded those doubled pawns. 9 ... Nh7 Steinitz once said those doubled central pawns are un
15. Rde1! Fritz approved. This is kind of embarrassing. I feared doubled Rooks on the f-file BEFORE 8 ... B:e3 which took me 13 minutes. The embar
Most of them fall to the ground at bank lines. Fritz likes 18 Qf2! for some reason 18 ... Rae8 19. Ref1!! This is what I now call the Vellotti mom
Am I then down a Rook? I did have one funny ICC blitz game where my opponent had Knights on e6 and d6 both protected by pawns. It still gives me chill
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